We are beset by a horde of bleeding heart fools who will NOT tolerate ANY force being used against ANY animal or ANY pet owner for ANY reason!
Here are their rationalizations:
- Fine them? That would take food out of their mouths! Just because he sic'd Fido on the neighbor is no good reason he should give up a cent! Who cares if the victim lost a leg and his job! HAVE A HEART YOU NAZI BASTARD!
- Arrest them? You can't punish someone for what their dog did! There was nothing they could do! OWNING A PIT BULL IS A CORE NECESSITY YOU TROGLODYTE!
- Confiscate the dog? HOW CAN YOU TAKE A PRECIOUS PUPPY AWAY FROM THEIR OWNER YOU BOLSHEVIK MONSTER! Who cares if no one in a four block radius has slept in the past month?!? They are just a bunch of 2 legged BOOGEYMEN! Waaaaaah!
- Shoot the dog? WAAAH! So what if Fido is shredding at 3 year old?!?!? NO ONE LOVES HIM ENOUGH! Put down that pistol and get him some TREATS! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND DOG BEHAVIOR!
- Oh, and don't even TALK about putting a dog down for any reason! Fido must be turned loose to bite again because he's JUST A DOG BEING A DOG! The rest of us need to LEARN DOG BEHAVIOR! NO KILL 4EVAH!!!!!!!
- Dog owners are REALLY NICE PEOPLE! They are all wonderful by definition! We must KISS THEIR ASSES UNTIL THEY STOP BEHAVING LIKE THUGS! Maybe if we kiss their asses a WHOLE LOT they will stop bullying us!
- STOP TELLING ME TO BE ASSERTIVE! You are just a meanie! Uses of force never solved ANYTHING! See, every problem is solved by holding hands with psychopaths, bullies, rapists, murderers, child molesters, and the like and SINGING KUMBAYAHHHH!
Have any of the above sentiments? This is what you must see when you look in the mirror:
Get a grip, people. Grow the hell up. All policy reduces to the use of force. Anyone who does not admit that is a fool or a liar. Clamp down on the malicious dog owner next door or say goodbye to your sleep AND your face!
Your crying baby looks just like my 35+ year old neighbor. Perhaps if the mouth was a bit larger and add several hundred pounds of eating her emotions. I don't know a single person who has been able to shut down a neighbor with a yapping dog legally. We need Dog Catchers not Animal Welfare Agents.
ReplyDeleteYes, that is part of the problem - AC officers these days are either:
DeleteA) Representatives of breeder and/or owner interests.
B) Animal Rights fanatics advocating for individual animals.
Public health and safety does NOT fit into their equation.
So, I can't feed the asshole owners who went out of their way to make their monster mean, to their very own precious, snarling, vicious pittie? Damn, I was hoping that was a reasonable solution. The only good thing the pit bull has done around here is shut the little yappy dogs in another building behind me up. She used to let them bark, out on a lead for up to an hour at whatever. With J.R. being directly across the alley, the little yappers are no longer out unsupervised. I would've rather continued to ignore the yappers though. They weren't allowed out at night and they won't rip anyone apart. J.R., he's a mix, pit and American bull dog, big, mean, and scary. He barks too, louder and longer when he's out. I still like the senior building across the street where the dogs never seem to bark, or at least no matter the time of day, I've never heard one. I even like the chi/mini pin who isn't supposed to live in our building. He never barks, still his owners are a problem, not picking up his mess.
ReplyDeleteI have a poo flinging shovel. If it's in my yard I feel its my obligation as a good neighbor to return their dogs lost crap.
Deletei would call AC but that initiates The Dog Was On My Porch initiative. AC will then concede that the dog(s) are indeed on her porch and there is nothing he can do. Dogs will get a pat on the head and a dog biscuit and I go back to flinging poo.
The neighbor with the dog that isn't supposed to live here would try to cause problems. Our apartments all share walls. She would start complaining to the landlord about my son being loud while he's playing video games in the evening or hearing him on the stairs when he comes down to use the bathroom. She thinks everybody owes her something, I guess for being born a different race in a mostly white town. She failed to make provisions for her 9 year old and the girl came knocking on my door last week because nobody was home or coming to get her. She got super pissed at me when I told her I won't be a free drop in babysitter because I do things with my own son in the evening. She texted me last night to inform me I didn't need to worry about her daughter this evening that she had something worked out for her, after trying to start a nasty argument about it last week. I would move but I don't have a car and the location and rental price are perfect. I get survivor's benefits and work a part time job. My rent is $500 a month plus utilities, anywhere else, off of the main street in town is about $650+ for a 2 bedroom. I know the people with the pit mix won't stay, I'm hoping the boyfriend was serious about leaving her and taking his little chi/mini pin mix behind me. Then there will only be the little dogs across the alley, but she doesn't leave them out. They really only barked at me when I was going to the bus stop, and she'd get them before I walked back by.
DeletePeople > dogs.
ReplyDeletelove the graphic you chose for this piece.
ReplyDeleteI don't even bother with AC anymore. They don't seem to understand their job should be Animal CONTROL and public safety not doggie social worker.
ReplyDeleteAC now refers to itself as Animal Welfare. Deal with it. That doggy needs a home. If you don't like the barking shut your windows and turn on a fan. Live in a sealed up coffin so the rescue doggies can bark and show how much they love and adore the humans who rescued them from death.
ReplyDeleteIn my locale, it's called Animal Care. And it couldn't care less about the human taxpayers who fund it.
DeleteI have enough footage to do a mini-series on my neighbors and their loose barking dogs. AC will eventurally write a ticket. But the dogs will continue to bark and run loose. I can take them to civil court and I have a very good case for harassment and being awarded the max in small claims. But their dogs will still run loose and bark.
DeleteThe only real solution to loose and barking dogs is to impound and destroy them. Three strikes and dogs are taken would do a lot for quality of life here. I live in a rural area. The next time their BC charges me in the road it's going to be met with something more solid than a stream of OC.
And I"m within my legal rights to shoot that dog. But AC will not do a thing to make the owner keep it confined. The logic escapes me.
"Three strikes and dogs are taken would do a lot for quality of life here"
DeleteThat would do a lot for quality of life EVERYWHERE.
Or leave poison out where you know they will find it.
Delete"I have enough footage to do a mini-series on my neighbors and their loose barking dogs"
ReplyDeletePost some to YouTube. I will repost here.
I informed them 2 nights ago that if it does not cease we are going to start posting each and every nightly serenade along with their dogs running loose on the road. I have moved the camera to make sure there is no way they can claim a violation of privacy. So fair warning has been issued. And it has been quiet. If it doesn't stay that way expect a link.
DeleteYes, public humiliation definitely works with some people - perhaps even more so than fines or even jail time. Thanks for writing.
DeleteMy white trash dog collecting neighbors just got back after three days away from home. No one there, no lights on, dog left confined on the back porch. F*er woke me up at 5:30 am yesterday and barked nonstop from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. I was hoping they'd either abandoned the house (and dog) or got killed in an accident.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of this:
It's rather unsettling what a point she's got.
The real eye opener for me with "Animal Welfare" was right after a pit attacked my cows for the second time. As my cows stood there, bleeding, ears and faces ripped (one would later be put down because of her injuries), neighbors were telling the officer about the sustained attack that only stopped when the dog got tired. The "AC" officer took the offending dog out of the sheriff's car to his truck (the sheriff had to block the road to keep the dog owner from fleeing with the dog). Just before he put the dog in the back of the truck, he stooped and let the dog lick his face and said, "She really is a very sweet dog."
ReplyDeleteI am not usually a violent person, but, right at that moment, I felt very violent indeed.
When a dog attacks the best thing for all is to kill it right then.
DeleteI hope the dog was put down as well.
ReplyDeleteAC talked the talk about declaring it a dangerous dog and making the owner build a proper enclosure and having the dog microchipped, etc. You know the drill. In the end they allowed the dog to be moved out of the county (they could not tell me exactly where) with none of the stipulations being met and no oversight. The owner disappeared before she could be served with a civil suit, leaving a lot of unpaid debts behind.
ReplyDeleteBeen there. Even if you win , which you will many of these dog owning scum have leeched onto social welfare as a way of life. It makes them nearly judgement proof. Impossible to garnish wages if they have no job and most government disability is protected income. They will fill out forms when you try and garnish and it will be denied because you'll be taking food out of their children's mouths.
DeleteMany dog owners can't feed their own children but are able to go to any shelter and drag home 4-5 large hounds that never go without.
Whenever possible destroy the dog. At least they can't do any more damage.
If someone can afford dog ownership than they can afford to pay the victims of their dog. I don't care if it's $100 a month for LIFE. They MUST pay. Drunk drivers don't get off with the 'I'm broke' excuse and neither should dog owners. They should be told by the court if they miss a payment they go to jail. Put the dog down-the cost of dog ownership should be given to the victim.
DeleteDog owners are good at being victims. I just called dispatch on my neighbors. let the crap fly. One of her rancid dogs just leaped at my cat sitting in the window with it's machine gun barking going full blast. I can't wait to end up looking like the bad guy tomorrow. I was told AC would be here around 6 am. I'm sure she will pretend that she is totally unaware of the problem.
DeleteAny dog that gets out and goes on a rampage should be killed.
ReplyDeleteDamn people and their pits, I took my son to the library this evening (our refuge). Standing right outside the doors, smoking a cigarette and holding a large black pit bull, on a leash, while playing with a cel phone, was a younger girl. She looked up as people passed by giving her a wide berth. She was giving everyone nasty looks. I didn't say anything, we just hurried inside because I saw the dog tense up and look alert as we passed it. I think I need to buy some bear spray since my butcher knife wouldn't be allowed inside the library.
The only place I don't take my knife is the airport. Otherwise I don't give a shit if anyone likes it or not. I'd take a gun if I had a permit.
Deleteyou can use bear spray on your own property but the gel OC shoots better outside and is usually 100% legal if you have to hose the owner down with the dog. Bear spray shoots 30 feet or so but is not really as potent as some of the self defense OC.
DeleteI bought bear spray for defense against kidnappers and gripper dogs. Kind of wonder if I should start carrying a crowbar, hammer, or knife as well--I don't know if bear spray would work on a gripper!
DeleteMace and beating are notoriously UN-reliable on pit bulls.
DeleteKa D. Thatj's very true. Depending on the dogs arousal level unless you can deliever a kill shot it's going to keep coming. Some defense is better than none. I've found that dog owners are very aware if you have mace on your belt. Unless your knive is illegal and has a spring blade you probably won't be able to open it if the dog is attached to your body.
DeleteThis is why all bully breeds and mixes should be illegal.
I'm still waiting for AC to call.
Its my understanding that mace/pepper spray is ineffective against Pits, and may indeed make the dog more "game".
DeleteIf I SEE a pit type dog or any other dog that makes me nervous I open my knife and have it in my hand just in case. I don't care if the dog's dimwit owner likes it or not. Control your dog and you won't have a problem. Here is a list of knife laws for each state: http://www.knifeup.com/category/knife-law/
DeleteThanks for the reference, Ka D. It looks like I can carry most self-defense knives provided they're not concealed.
DeleteAU, making the dog more game is exactly what I worry about with bear spray. I contemplated a crowbar to pry its jaws off the victim!
"If I SEE a pit type dog or any other dog that makes me nervous I open my knife and have it in my hand just in case."
Deletegood advice. these situations occur in the blink of an eye.
All I have is the butcher knife, hard to conceal and not a good choice for the children's department of the library. I wanted to tell her to loiter and use the free internet somewhere else, not at a place perfectly normal people go, and quite a few of them to enjoy time with their children. She looked like she had a very nasty disposition. We just hurried inside. She could've at least had the decency to be in the alley behind the library with her cigarettes and ugly dog.
ReplyDeleteWant a good laugh? There hasn't been a peep next door for days. Last Monday was SO bad with dogs going off like TNT I anonymously mailed the Obnoxious Dog Dunce neighbors excerpts from this article about how much they're NOT taking care of their dog (http://thedogsnobs.com/2013/06/15/owner-profile-in-over-their-head-ignoramus/) Along with this ad: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IX4LLY4/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2KDJVWGQXOKSL&coliid=I3TYN43EGHKLIK&hc_location=ufi Today I found the contents of the envelope in a different envelope stuffed in the door. I don't care what they think, I'll never fess up. I have a gun and martial arts training so it's not like they scare me. And they can't prove anything. And I'm not doing anything illegal. They seem-butthurt.
ReplyDeleteHere's my next go to: http://www.barkingdogs.net/quickexplanation.shtml