Ever feel like someone else was the unfair beneficiary of
your efforts? Even better, have you ever
felt relief when the efforts of someone else solved your problem without any
effort, expense, exposure or risk taken on your part?
Rider Problem explanation from Wiki.
A good excerpt from the article: “In economics, collective bargaining, psychology,
and political science, a free rider (or freeloader)
is someone who enjoys the benefits of an activity without paying for it. The
free rider may withhold effort or resources, or may impose the costs of his or
her activities on others.”
Many of my neighbors got a complete “free ride”, courtesy
of me, when I engaged the rescuer/puppy miller across the street, their
landlord, and authorities. Many of the
other neighbors flat out hated what was going on over there, as they were
exposed to the same hardships as I. They
would complain bitterly about the barking, dog at large, dog pee and dog crap
everywhere, etc… However, NONE of them
would lift a finger to go after the miscreants. They wouldn’t call authorities;
they wouldn’t complain to the miscreant, they wouldn’t complain to the
landlord. They refused to even co-sign
any of my complaints! However, they sure
did benefit BIG TIME from my efforts!
They didn’t thank me, and there was no need to given that if my efforts benefited only THEM I wouldn’t have bothered!
So, it was ME, completely on my own, who had to:
File repeated complaints with AC, police, and
code enforcement.
Dealt with excuses from above.
Perform a significant amount of legal research
on my own time and dime.
Write and mail certified letters to dog owner,
landlord, and authorities.
Face down the miscreant *in person* and thereby enduring
the most extreme belligerent behavior on multiple occasions. My friends and family were concerned for my
Threaten both the dog owner and landlord with
Threaten my landlady with breaking the lease AND
suing her for a rent abatement (THAT got her moving!).
So, now peace reigns upon the neighborhood (for
now). Again, my useless-ass neighbors
didn’t have to lift a finger to get peace restored to their homes. I did that for them! Some of them even saw fit to CRITICIZE
me! I was TOO HARD on the poor couple,
they said!
Of course, NOBODY is complaining about sleeping through
the night! Nothing like “Hey man, I
really miss laying awake all night listening to those dogs bark!”. No, it is armchair quarterbacking in its
full, insipid glory!
Of course, this is only what I did in relation to the pet
problems *on my block*. My dealings
with the larger issues are a similar but much larger story. I won’t
go into the gory details again, but as I noted in this
essay and this
essay I have made significant efforts to ameliorate the pet problems
apparent in my state’s natural areas. I
built significant political credit via my activities in my state trail
association, and I have had to BURN most of that credit working a problem that
never should have existed in the first place!
I have also engaged my county executive and county attorney directly and
those efforts have had some effect. These
efforts include, but are not limited to:
my state park system director directly regarding barking dog problems. In addition to the letter sent, I have
followed up by phone and email on this issue and the director is interested in
ameliorating the problem. Indeed, the
pet regulations have become MUCH more strict recently (wonder why!).
Engaged individual park managers and park
rangers regarding the problem.
Engage State Police at planning meetings. They also seem interested.
Engage National Forest Service managers at open
houses. They seem interested in solving
the problem.
my county executives and county attorney directly via certified mail and I
have followed up with emails and phone calls.
They took my issues seriously enough to shelve an objectionable change
to barking dog legislation. So far, this
appears to be a “Korean War” type outcome.
Hey, at least its only difficult to go after the nuisance barkers and
not impossible! So, now you do NOT need
a neighbor to co-sign the complaint and the dog can only bark for 10
Why do these people even listen to me? BECAUSE, I am active and engaged. See, I don’t spend all my time blogging, I am
actually OUT THERE doing useful things.
These people respect me because I cut new hiking trails in Florida in
June. They respect me because they know
I do the right thing, and without the support of people like me their jobs
would be very difficult, perhaps impossible.
They respect me because I am face to face with them and don’t snipe at
them from some internet forum. They
respect me because they know I don’t have to get out of bed at 5am on a
Saturday and work all day for free so Florida hikers can enjoy a safe hiking
experience, but I do it anyway!
See, these are the people who make the rules and enforce
those rules. THOSE are the people you have
to engage directly and convince.
Preaching hate to a bunch of converts on some obscure web-page won’t do
So, you may ask… why do I have THIS forum? Primarily to organize all of my thoughts in a
place that can easily be accessed. This
forum is a tool, but only one tool of many at my disposal.
In any case, I put forth the effort to earn all this “political
credit”, but unfortunately I have to burn it all up in this unending war
against the “dogtopians”! These efforts
benefit others: Thanks to me and people
like me, you are now more likely to experience an outdoor adventure in peace
and safety… that did NOT happen by itself!
Likewise, wildlife has a better chance of “making it” without constant
harassment from out of control pets!
The alternate title of this essay was “Freedom ain’t free”,
because it SURE ain’t! A
while back I wrote that to hold a right, one must demonstrate the ability
to assert that right. What that means is:
To change the subject just a little. Dog owners enjoy a huge advantage. Why do you think that is? Did that happen ALL by itself? NOPE… it happened because THEY are going to
government planning meetings and open houses.
THEY are staging protests. THEY
are confronting executives and law enforcement.
THEY are “packing” planning meetings, town halls, and open houses. THEY are out there actively promoting their
interests. AND, those interests are
often in conflict with YOURS! This is a
WAR and THEY are shooting at YOU! WHAT
are you going to do about THAT?
Know what, if you won’t assert your rights, YOU do not
deserve them! They do not exist! Look, ANYBODY can sit and complain! Was it complainers sitting on their asses who
won world war II or ended slavery? NO! If peace in your home were truly one of YOUR
rights, you would do whatever you must to defend that, as I DID. If you won’t do whatever you must to defend
that right, then that right simply does not exist.
Whats even worse is, some of you make a POINT of doing
nothing useful! You have
institutionalized worthless whining!
Your position is, “I flat out, pointedly refuse to do anything useful
but I will sit here and hurl insults at anyone who does!”. Wow, how could the world turn without the
likes of YOU?
Furthermore, you whiners do NOT have the right to
criticize ANYBODY. You have not earned
that! How DARE you sit in peace and
comfort and criticize those who fight your fight for you! YOU go out there and do what I did and THEN
come back and criticize! The fact that I
am making our neighborhoods and parks better for the likes of YOU makes my bile
rise… again, if it benefitted only YOU I would not bother!
I respect the dog-nuts more than you because THEY at least put forth the
effort! You want to mix it up? You want to “take me for a walk”? If you want to sit at the adults table, you
need to act like one and any 3 year old can bitch and complain!!
Put up or shut up!