Monday, April 13, 2015


Thank DOG, our savior has RISEN!

Watch Mickey Beat Cancer is back online!!!  

Check it out!

My theories (because we will probably never know) are:

1)  Mickey admins took the page down intentionally so they could do a thorough cleaning of the anti-Mickey messages and anything that does not fit perfectly with the Utopian Dogocracy.  

2) They (the admins) deliberately took it down to manufacture drama among the initiate - a great way to stir up the Mickey and dog fanatic foamers:  "Dog haters took down our PAGE!  OH BOO HOO POOR US!".   

Yup, Schill and his ilk know how to play them like a violin.  I'm sure they will need additional funds to prevent such a "hacker attack" in the future.

Seen a Mickey lover recently?  



  1. I think you're right on the money here. Down for a 3 day cleanse. Reading some of the welcome back Mickey posts the sycophants seem to believe that Mickey was lonely without them. He's likely to drown in nyla bone offeriings in the next few days.

  2. I haven't punched anyone in the face recently so no, I haven't seen any Mickey lovers recently.

    1. That made me laugh. Honestly I've never looked at the Facebook page. I'm still pissed Mickey and every other dog that mauls innocent people isn't automatically put down.

    2. Knowing the enemy is one way to start defeating the pet industry. Mickey is well known but there are hundreds of FB pages out there collecting funds now to save dogs that have killed other pets or harmed humans. I believe Sheba ? the anti CPR dog is in some run down shelter being rehabilitated. Dogs with lawyers. Judges that cave to online petitions. Yes mindless clicks by dog lovers who without any real facts except the slanted view presented add their name to the tally. I'm betting a large percentage of those idiots who signed have forgotten he even exists.

    3. The other side of the two-headed hydra is the animal rights movement. It's behind "no-kill," which keeps these worthless dogs alive.

      And thanks, Eileen, for calling out the pet industry. The money-making side of the hydra.

    4. In the vein of 'knowing thine enemy', check out this video. Its all made to sound so reasonable...except that this is a dog, not a person. How on earth can anyone predict what a dog will do? And these dogs...they aren't dogs, they are truly weapons.

      Every time I see a child jumping on one of these dogs my stomach turns in a knot.

      Also, note the special food supplement with a snarling pit bull (4.07-4.10)

      An dog food supplement industry for dog fighters. Who would have thought it?

    5. apologies for the deleted comments. Its double posts.

    6. I don't support the American pet food industry. That's been more because of GMO products used in the pet food here. My rodents get food made in the UK and healthy human foods. Eight rats and a gerbil are surprisingly cheap to feed via amazon and the grocery store. I find it disturbing that fighting supplements are being doled out to whoever is stupid enough to buy them. I do agree with adopting pets, just to stop the breeding mills. Six of our rats are adopted, but I'm never adopting anything with pit bull in it's blood.

      I've seen the whole save Sheba thing. A perfectly normal dog could (but should never) bite someone they were afraid was harming their owner. Pits like to maul the person, and sometimes they don't kill, they disfigure and disable the innocent person. A normal dog could, and might, snap at or bite someone for stealing a treat or food from them. I can see where a poorly supervised child might be a more likely victim than an adult. Even if there would have been a bone, Mickey didn't just bite Kevin, he disfigured a sweet, innocent, little boy. I would end up having my whole facebook account deleted if I went near the page. Since I use it to store pictures and communicate with far away friends, I choose to stay away. I want dogs like Mickey to be put down, always.

      If you guys are interested in a complete whacko about all types of animals, check out rabbi Otis. I suggest you have something to vomit in, the only page close to as bad would be pupcake the service dog. Those people disgust me, using their autistic little girl to promote some weird pit bull obsession and smear people like mall Santas when they're allergic.

  3. The Truth about the Lexus Project and a couple of other pages had some good info - Petey's Pack FB page and another Schill page also went down and came back up at the same times. So, yes, these pages were taken down intentionally.

    I also think Mickey admins are making a (pathetic) attempt at "skeeering!" the haters, and looking tough in front of the initiate.... lots of aggressive posturing about getting authorities involved, calling the FBI, and other nonsense. Yeah, guys, go ahead and call authorities... they LOVE having their time wasted by a bunch of degenerates!

    1. Yeah, the minute I hear the FBI threat I just laugh and know they're a lying douchebag. I actually DID call the FBI once over a fake official bank check, which is a felony. They didn't even give a shit about that. How much concern will they have over someone being butthurt because they didn't like something someone said about a dog?

    2. The Mickey Nutters believe in free speech as long as they are they ones speaking. Which is fine they can control the content of their FB page. The WMBC page often shows their followers posting that another page deleted their rancid post while slobbering something about their rights to free speech. In fact it's common on all Pit Nutter pages.

    3. KaD - yes, the dog foamers often put themselves above parody! FBI involvement, Indeed!!!!

      I don't know if you remember, but a few years ago I was blogging about the cultist's reaction to the "I hate Dogs" FB page - it was literally giving the fanatics the vapors. The mere thought of anyone saying anything remotely negative about dogs, or even an individual dog threw them into a towering, apocalyptic rage!

      That page is still up, BTW. In any case, I recall at least one foamer blasted out that they'd notified the CIA. THE CIA! Do any of these idiots even have a clue what the CIA is or what it does? Why not call the Air Force or the Coast Guard? How about NASA?

      If I didn't find it so totally hilarious, I would be scared shitless!

    4. In the veins of "knowing thy enemy" and parody, check out the comment thread under this Craven Desires blog post:

      Douglas Anthony Cooper is huffing and puffing and threatening to blow down Craven Desires! Cooper is threatening to sue Craven for libel, defamation, cyber bullying, and a bunch of other absurd things. He may be "targeting" some of the regular commenters there, too.

      He is also threatening to "out" everyone who disagrees with him - post their full names, addresses and the like on the internet if they don't get in line with official DOGma.

      IANAL, but its pretty obvious that Cooper has no basis to sue anybody. Again, its nothing but empty posturing. Pit bulls and their advocates are NOT above reproach! Moreover, the "inner party" types Craven ridicules are public figures (Tia Torres, Jane Berkey, etc...) therefore public critique is NOT considered libel.

      Cooper then proceeds to make a fool of himself by calling Craven a "nobody": Really, all this effort - hiring lawyers, getting authorities involved to take down a NOBODY? Talk about overkill!

    5. There are some good anti-animal rights Facebook pages. I can never stay on them because they always somehow degenerate into dogs being the ONLY animal with across the board 'rights' and excessive privileges.

      Cooper-another pit assclown. Craven does pretty good research and I doubt anyone is going to get the chance to sue her. Hot air is right.

    6. "they always somehow degenerate into dogs being the ONLY animal with across the board 'rights' and excessive privileges."

      Indeed, the central issue is canine supremacy: All of these other problems flow from that.

    7. What an interesting morning read. It simply confirms my position that pit bull advocates have nothing but emotional drivel to defend those ' breeds ' with and when confronted resort to threats to try and bully and shut down anyone that dares to use facts.

    8. In regards to Cooper - he's like the rest of them: They are walking cesspools of insecurity and self-doubt. Dawn James is not a nobody, her work is damaging to their interests, and they know it. Moreover, its typically the pit nuts that engage in slander, intimidation, bullying, compulsive lying and the like. In their paranoia, they think everyone else is like them... a scary proposition.

    9. I suspect that if it were suddenly fashionable and cool to hate pit bulls him and his ilk would be the first to jump the fence and go to work for the other side. None of what is going on with the nutters or the pet parents has squat to do with ending animal abuse. No-kill dogma has accomplished nothing but increasing the unwanted animal population and warehousing dogs and cats like a product on crates and kennels for the sake of money.
      i never ran my rescue as a charity. It was a business that lost money most the time and I never tried to write it off either. The idea was to choose the animals that could be retrained and be useful. Animal right nutters like to show bags of dead animals in the dumpster or landfill. I have the image of living breathing animals and the things humans did to them burned into my brain.
      For all the forthing put forth by the nutters. Animal abuse will never end when the supply is unlimited. Pits have become the flagship product. Misunderstood, abused and discriminated against. Sure to tug the heart of well meaning potential pet parents. Taking a monster home is right up there with adopting a child from a starving country.
      We both have different motivations for being involved in this but with the same goal in sight. Protecting the rights of human beings over the rights of someone because they have a mutant in their home. I rail just as hard against cat breeders who are crossing domesticated cats to wild breeds. Watch out . they are the pit cats of the future.


      Seriously, anyone doing that should be thrown head first into a woodchipper.

      I don't think the Pit Cat is going to catch on - cats don't rank as high as dogs, and if we get more than a few serious injuries in a year, they will be summarily banned and the dog lovers won't see anything wrong/inconsistent/hypocritical with that - consider that Pit Bulls and other power dogs are legal in places where all barnyard animals have been zoned out, arguably for health and safety reasons. Our culture's love for dogs knows no bounds.

    11. The crosses of domestic to wild cats would seem to appeal to the same crowd that goes for wolf hybrids and thinks that pits are misunderstood.

    12. My opinion of doing this with cats is the same as for dogs: Crossing a wild dog and domestic dog makes the dog part more unpredictable and dangerous and the wolf part dumber. It's a lose lose and should be illegal. For cats and dogs.

    13. Eileen - perhaps, but the general public will be a lot less likely to buy into it. Remember, the primary narrative is canine supremacy - only DOGS give unconditional love, dog is god spelled backwards, my dog is my copilot, and my poodle is smarter than your honor student. Etc... etc... ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

  4. Pit cats is a scary thought. I generally prefer cats. As for being no kill, I don't see how keeping an animal in a small confined space the rest of it's life doesn't qualify as cruelty. We don't let our rats free range but they get an average of four hours each outside of the cage daily. All it takes is half an hour here and there. They also have toys and each other for company when they're not out. Dogs and cats are different. Dogs need to be walked and cats need to be able to roam a certain amount of space. Keeping either in tiny kennels isn't doing them any favors. It hasn't cut down on irresponsible owners who don't get their pets fixed, backyard breeders, or any of the godforsaken mill operations. I can go to Craigslist and find free dogs and cats all day long. So what good are the shelters doing the animals? Eileen , there are enough examples of the cruelty people commit as well. I don't see how animals with lifelong medical or emotional , for lack of a better word, benefit from being kept alive and passed around from foster to foster or various shelters benefit from it.

    1. Trisha. It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$
      There are seveal other hybrids. None of it is pretty

    2. True, but the fact remains that most hybrid cats aren't going to weigh sixty to 130 pounds or more.

    3. No dogs are and will remain the number one problem. But the problem is bigger than just dogs or pit bulls.

  5. Back on subject. It appears viewing time for Mickey the child mauler has been cut. The angst is thicker than any forged in Breaking Dawn movies. A feat I though impossible.

  6. I have an unaltered male Malamute-wolf hybrid. "Thor" will be 11 years old soon. BIG, beautiful, well behaved, quiet and affectionate animal. Gets along with my unaltered well behaved, BIG quiet, affectionate 6 year old black and tan coon-hound male "Jethro." I could walk them without a leach, but I dont..because its against the law and because on our walks we encounter barking, yanking, growling, charging dogs and nasty dog owners. One owner with her two yapping, frothing at the mouth sh*t-youz actually TOLD me I need to walk my dogs at a different time because my dogs are bigger and frighten her and her dogs and if I dont she'll call animal control. And she did and I had a visit from animal control. They came in, found two very large dogs and the cat "Thunder" all sleeping next to each other on the couch. Animal control checked out the special license for the hybrid, the license for the coon hound, vet records for their shots and their astro-turfed, shaded play pen when they are outside. The entire time animal control was at my home my two dogs were snoring and dreaming. We might have seen one of them open an eye. Animal control apologized repeatedly for coming to my home. I later found out the sh*t-youz lady received a fine that day for both her dogs because they weren't licensed and weren't up to date with their rabies vaccine. I see her snarling at my home when she's pulling her dogs. Personally, I wouldn't get a pit bull or a pit mix. The gene pool has been damaged beyond repair. As Trisha says anything can be found on Craigslist. The worst offenders are the rescues and animal control who advertise "Lab mix" or "Boxer mix" and with just one look anyone can tell its a pit. Parents who let their kids stand in shopping carts need to be called out too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Assuming I take you at your word you are aware that for every hybrid that gets the right side of the cross a hundred more are dumped in wolf/hybrid rescues.

  8. Of course it's all about the money. I quit shopping at chain pet stores because I don't want to support rodent mills anymore than I would puppy mills, or backyard breeders. I'm against animal cruelty, but not crazy. I know some animals need to be put down. I wouldn't have a wolf hybrid or a wild cat cross anymore than a pit bull. It's not doing the animals being crossed any favors. I do support a small pet/exotic animal rescue, with amazon smile. Most of their animals come from pet shop raids or hoarding situations. Some come from people stupid enough to give pets as holiday or birthday gifts. Since smaller pets are my choice, I'm happy to donate to a reputable shelter.
    While looking for a cage mate for our female who lost her sister, I found a few hoarders pretending to be shelters. I enjoy our little pets, but I can't see how anyone could have 100 or more of any animal. I think shelters of any kind should be state licensed and inspected at least monthly. It would create a few jobs anyway, and have a one strike and you're out system. It sure wouldn't hurt.

  9. Wolf hybrids are statistically among the more dangerous breeds, and malamutes are high up the scale too. I'm sorry about your crude encounter but I doubt her shitzyous are capable of killing anyone, or even another dog. The fact is no one ever thinks THEY are the 'bad owner' or that THEIR dog will harm anyone, ever.

  10. Ka D. aside from the shiz u's not having proper records I'm pretty sure the rest of the story is pure bull.
    Again I have spent my life around just about every type of animal including some big cats. Wolf hybrids are not happy living on a sofa and playing on asto-turf. The majortiy of animal cruelty is not becasue the owners are mean. They are just beyond stupid about the needs of the animals in their care.
    As to the rescues I have often wondered the carnage if the pack I seen were to escape.

  11. Shi Tzu's are known biters. They are in the top 10 for small breed biters. More people, mostly children are bitten and scarred by smaller breeds. Cocker spaniels, dachshunds, pekinese are way up on the list also. Looks like (to me anyway) the two Shi Tuz's are aggressive little yappers with no training and the owner has an entitlement issue. For her to continue walking her dogs in front of Anonymous's home, she and her little dogs are looking for a fight...but yet she's frightened? Please.

  12. I am going to jump in here for a minute: If you control your dogs, take proper precautions, and you and your dogs bring discomfort to no one - You and I can co-exist.

    Shit Zoos (and other other nasty ass mop dogs), along with their owners and advocates, can be a real problem. I wrote about one before:

    The point of "Proto Nuttery" is that, while non-power dogs offer a lower threat profile, they can create a lot of harm AND their owners and advocates are only slightly less crazy than Pit Bull aficionados.

    One thing I find frustrating, even deeply disturbing, about this debate is that many people want an animal control policy that is based entirely on the parentage of the animal and ignore or dismiss bad behavior.

    My priority would be to first go after known troublemakers (both 2 legged and 4 legged) and contemplate the parentage as a secondary issue. Note that I am NOT saying that all dog breeds are the same, just that the doggy universe is far from perfect outside of the pit bull galaxy.

  13. My priority would be to first go after known troublemakers (both 2 legged and 4 legged) and contemplate the parentage as a secondary issue.- Animal Uncontrol

    That's it in a nutshell.

  14. So frustrated - MICKEY CAM has been down for at least a half hour.

    How am I to get my daily dose of Mickey?

    Seriously, the voters and taxpayers of Maricopa county need to get together and shut down this ridiculous government run clown act.

    Mickey is supposed to be confined to the facility. That means NO visits to the vet. NO LEAVING THE COMPOUND FOR ANY REASON! Demand a full accounting of any and all funds used to sustain the beast. Shut down the "Mickey Cam" as it was not specified in the court order. Put the beast in a cage like the rest of the animals - NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. Demand an explanation of the legality of this entire train wreck - tell me, exactly, how are dogs granted fifth amendment protections? Sue to get the court order thrown out - all pleadings my Mick the Mauler's lawyers should be summarily dismissed - animals are not protected by the US constitution, Miranda, or any other laws written to protect the rights of HUMAN BEINGS. DOGS ARE PROPERTY NOT PEOPLE. None of this is legal!

    Demand a "re-trial" WITHOUT a lawyer. Follow the dangerous dog law to the letter. KILL the beast if it is demanded in this situation.

    Demand criminal prosecution of Mickey's owner. This shitbag knew his dog was dangerous, yet willingly allowed children to play near it? Prosecute for reckless endangerment at a minimum! Sue this individual for personal injury.

    Kevin's family and babysitter should sue the county, the Schill law group, the Lexus project, and everyone else involved for slander and libel. How DARE they blame a 4 year old for the actions of an out of control Pit Bull?


    1. The "Mickey Cam" is down, again!!!

      What are the whereabouts of the foul beast??! Have his shyster lawyers removed him from the facility?


  15. Raise your hand if you believe that getting Mickey into the MASH unit was the endgame.
    Does anyone know if there is a court date in May ? The subject was raised on another site but I was unable to find the FB post that was a cut and paste. It was in reference to why can't Mickey be adopted.
    [Question] Can they petition to have John bring Mickey home?

    [Reply] We’ll just see what the court has to say on 5/14. We have no idea what will happen.

    This was supposed to be taken from the Maulers site. I hate passing half baked information, this might turn out to be a heads up on something. .

  16. Eileen - I would not doubt that they would try to get Mickey out of Mash and into a home. Again, their entire narrative is that all dogs are perfectly wonderful, and we can trust them as long as we love them enough.

    1. It's been a year. He hasn't chewed off another human face. A certain slick lawyer will argue that he needs more care now that he has cancer and it can't be provided in the MASH. He of course has a wonderful house and yard that the P&P nut will have certified as 100% safe for this dog. Plus he'll offer up proof that he has a massive liability policy that will actually pay the medical bills if there is another victim.
      Kevin who ?????

    2. Oh, that would not surprise me at all.

      Of course, none of the above is truly legal - a dog is not a person and cannot have a lawyer. Not that that little factoid has prevented this trainwreck in any way.

    3. The dog was spared because the judge hearing the case was a pussy. It was the easy way out.
      When a judge cows down before a slimy lawyer and an Internet posse it's mob rule.
      Human laws do not apply to animals. They are the property of and in the care of humans. Public safety has rules to deal with animals that are not controlled by those owners or are not safe to have in the hands of anyone.
      The logic of the Mickey case says if he can be given a life sentence then all dogs who break human laws can be imprisoned. So now we will have what ? Chains of doggy jails where killer mutts live out their lives on the back of the taxpayer ? Courts tied up with doggy appeal motions ? Will the next dog be granted a public defender ? A jury of his peers ?
      Insanity is in motion.

    4. "Chains of doggy jails where killer mutts live out their lives on the back of the taxpayer ? Courts tied up with doggy appeal motions ? Will the next dog be granted a public defender ? A jury of his peers ? "

      That is exactly what the AR nuts want, and its an epic fail.

      Given that the dog foamers and AR nuts seem to have a misanthropic perspective, I sometimes wonder if there isn't a "Cloward-Piven" strategy in play here - crash human civilization to usher in the dogtopia?
