Sunday, July 7, 2013

You win some, you lose some Part II

In a fight?  Sometimes you win some and you lose some.  If you DO lose, do not hand the winner their “win “easily.  Make them pay for every bloody inch!   Make it hurt SO badly they will not try it again! 

I had a rather nasty loss on the Animal Uncontrol front the other month.  I surrendered that particular hill, but I made them pay dearly for that win.  Pay they will!

Here is the good news.  After two years of dog nuisances emanating from across the street, and a nearly non-stop battle relating to same, the malicious dog nuts suddenly moved away!  I want to dance in the street!!!  Yeah, baby!   Who’s Your Daddy!!?!

I don’t want to critique others TOO much.  Every situation is different.  Sometimes, it is better to fold rather than raise.   I may have surrendered my volunteer hike leader position to the nutters but I have PEACE IN MY HOME. 

Let me tell you something:  Peace in my home did NOT come cheap.  There were multiple calls to authorities.  There were certified letters sent to both the miscreant and their landlord.  There were screaming matches in the street and on my front porch with threats given and received.   There were many days with endless loud barking, shits on my lawn and endless other problems.  I was slandered throughout the neighborhood.   However, I did NOT surrender my home to these scumbags.   This win did NOT come easy.  I EARNED peace in my home.     I earned it, it is MINE and I savor it every day!

Whatever your situation is, even if it is hopeless, DO NOT give the miscreant an easy win.  Make it as painful as possible for them in this day by day Armageddon.  Only when faced with the threat of painful consequences will they change their actions.  And, make no mistake:  This is a HUMAN problem.


  1. I'm happy that peace finally came for you. Peace will never come for me. I live in a State where fireworks are illegal. Period. But,despite this, every weekend from the fourth of July on right until September, those damned fireworks are blasting away. Sometimes they are so loud the house seems to rock. This morning I found rocket debris in my side yard. Sure glad that rocket didn't land on my roof and start a fire. My poor dog won't do his "last pee before bedtime" because of the boom boom boom. You know, I spend my whole life trying to do the right thing. My dog is never allowed to be loose. He's either in my house (95 percent of the time) or in his fenced yard (with me right there with him,) or on a leash for a walk. I pick up after him dutifully. I keep him OFF of other people's property. I taught him the word, "Quiet!" which he obeys instantly so he is not a noise nuisance. I do all the right things and then I get screwed by the people that flaunt the law with their illegal fireworks. Yes, I could call the police, but I know that others have already done that and the constant weekend fireworks continue ALL SUMMER LONG. So, like I said before, yes, I am very happy for you. I just wish I could go through one summer without those constant explosions permeating into my house and yard every damned weekend. Hey, maybe, just maybe, the idiots that are blowing off those fireworks every weekend will move away. Ah, that would be Heaven.

    1. Glad to see that you're back and blogging, you insulter and bullier! I'm referring, of course, to the description of both of us in this post:

    2. I read that post and left a snarky reply. I am sure the blog owner deleted it.

    3. maybe it is attention seeking behavior. some people get a tattoo or a pit bull. some people just make up crazy shit. i guess we should be thankful that she chose the latter.


      I just checked out this link. For a person who claims to hate dogs and their owners, s/he sure spends an inordinate amount of time writing about them, thinking about them, talking about them, researching them, finding and uploading pictures of them, etc., etc., etc. If all that time could be turned into!.....that's a lot of money spent on something you loathe. But, just the time investment itself. What a waste of precious time. Fortunes are made and lost, but the time we have here is finite. Why would anyone want to spend it on something that s/he hates with such venom??? Doesn't make any sense.

  2. My problem continues even though there is no more barking next door for now. Our houses are side by side and because they are long brick ranchers, they are very close. The weeds are now over 6 feet tall in between our houses - some reaching 10 feet tall - and hanging over our 6-foot fence. We have terrible mosquitos and rats as big as cats. I share in your joy - and as usual - it is a human problem !!!

    1. Hey, the house next door to me sounds like the house next door to you! Grass that's never cut, mountains of garbage behind their broken down fence, wild animals living in their attic, mosquito bites all up and down my legs. And, loose, roaming cats defecating everywhere, dropping fleas and ticks, fighting and waking me up in the middle of the night, sitting on top of my car, and leaving murdered birds and bird parts everywhere! Are we having fun yet????

  3. If you are a neighbor reading this, please excuse my 12 year old dog's 3 woofs in the morning and the 3 woofs when the sun goes down. His eyesight and hearing isn't what it used to be and he's taking up barking from the comfort of his sofa to chase the rabbits eating "his" potted plants.

  4. FYI: Please sign the petition to end the use of FAKE service animals, which is harming people who are truly disabled and creating a public nuisance:

  5. Nice blog provides many informative and helpful articles. Thanks for sharing the information.

